
Monday, May 31, 2021

Pioneer Relatives as seen at


Our Pioneers.
Some of our ancestors need to be added to familysearch Pioneer Activiies

1846 Mississippi Saints arrived in the Valley wtih Vanguard Company 1847.
George Wahsington GIBSON with first wife and children. 

1847 Brigham Young Vanguard Company, Shadrach ROUNDY age 58
Shardrach crossed the planes 5 times
1848 at age 59 Heber C. Kimball Company 
1850 age 61 Shadrach Roundy Company 

 1831 New York to Kirtland - to Missouri - to Nauvoo - 1846 to Winter Quarters - 
1847 Abraham O. Smoot - Samuel Russell Company, Bestsey QUIMBY Roundy with several family members. 

widow Mary BRONSON Ensign
Horace Datus ENSIGN died 1846 at Winter Quarters 
1847 Daniel Spencer/Ira Eldredge Company.  Widow Mary BRONSON Ensign and children John Calvin (17) /  Martin Luther (16) / brother Ensign, Luman Ashley (19) / Lydia Esther (6). 
NOTE: Oldest child Horace Datus Ensign Jr. (21) had gone with Brigham Young Vanguard Company.

1843 Sarah Jane age 9 with parents and two siblings arrive New Orleans to St. Louis where parents die. 1848/1849 Unidentified wagon train.  Orphans Sarah Jane age 13 siblings Fanny and Richard traveling with uncle and aunt Richard and Mary Griffiths. Mary died on the way. 

1843 Daniel SMITH (Daniel died in Nauvoo), Sarah arrive New Orleans to St. Louis to Nauvoo with daughter Jane and son Samuel's family - 1846 Nauvoo to Iowa - 1848 Brigham Young Company. Sarah was with Jessie Turpin son in-law and Jane SMITH Turpin daughter, 1 year grandchild.

1843 Arrived New Orleans to St. Louis  to Nauvoo -  1846 Nauvoo to Iowa -  1850 Aaron Johnson Wagon Company.  Samuel SMITH with first wife Mary Ann Line Smith and 2 children.

Polly WILLLIAMS child of 12
1850 Warren Foote Company, Marcy Jane LUCAS Williams Barney, second husband Henry Barney. Her Williams children, Sarah (13) * Polly (12) Elizabeth (10) George (7) Mary (5) and Alma Barney (2).

Mary DUNN child of 14
1848 Brigham Young company, father Simeon Adams DUNN, fourth wife Harriet Atwood SILVER Dunn and three daughters ages 5-14. 
NOTE:  Mary's mother Adaline RAWSON Dunn had died in Nauvoo.

1846 Nauvoo to Winter Quarters - 1852 Isaac M. Stewart Compan. John Davis PARKER with wives Samantha and Almeda Sophia ROUNDY Parler and two children

1849 “Buena Vista” to New Orleans. President of Welch Saints, Dan Jones, William R. Davies one of three counselors. Welch leader in Winter Quarters - 1852 William Morgan Company WIlliam Rees DAVIES and Rachel MORRIS Davies

BY SEA: [1851] BY LAND: [1851 or 1852] unknown company James George Davis with brother John Rees Davies and widowed sister in-law Mary Ann GRIFFITHS Davies.

Ann Elizabeth NEWMAN child of 12
 1853 Arrive New Orleans - 1855 Departure Keokuk, Iowa - 1853 Claudius V. Spencer Company.  Ann Elizabeth with parents Joseph NEWMAN and Elizabeth HUGHES and four brothers

1853 Arrive New Orleans - 1853 Departure: Kanesville, Iowa with Cyrus H. Wheelock Company, John WOOD and Ellen SMITH Wood with Sarah Ann age 3, Ellen was gave birth to Cyrus Nephi who died. 

1854 Francis Hawkes arrives at New Orleans- 1855 Mary Ann Miles arrives from England  - 1855 Moses Thurston Company Francis HAWKES and widowed mother  Mary Ann MILES Hawkes 

 1858 John W. Berry Company as a returning Missionary from England 

1862 Arrive New York - 1862 Homer Duncan Company.  Cole, Eliza (22) Cressall, Clarence Christopher (infant) son of Eliza Cole, Elizabeth Sarah (24) sister of Eliza

1863 Arrived New York1863 railway to Florence NE, unknown wagon train, William George COLE and Sarah LARNDER Cole and four sons G. Jr.George, Walter Charles, Erastus Moroni

Thomas JONES and family
 1868 Arrive New York - 1868 Joseph S. Rawlings Company. Thomas JONES and Mary WILLIAMS Jones and Children Sarah Jane (19) Cyrus Joseph (17) Willard Thomas (16) Mary Emma (13) Albert Williams (11) Marlin John (10) Leonard James (8) Herbert Ernest (3) (7 or their fifteen children had died in England).

Sarah WORLEY child of 16
 1868 Arrive New York - 1868 Chester Loveland Company Worley, Sarah (16) and sister Worley, Catherine (14).

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