
Saturday, January 13, 2018

More of the Story:

Read Monuments and Markers - Shadrach Roundy linked here.

Shadrach Roundy 
Painting  by Jordan Reasor Anjewierden, for 2017 First Annual Kirtland Art Gathering, works about residents of Kirtland in the 1830's, shown in Kirtland, Ohio LDS Visitors Center.

I was Jim's colleague at Nebraska when I learned of his extra credit opportunity. I moved on to the Univ. of Minnesota, and one day an advertising class student asked about extra credit. Without thinking, I offered identification of Shadrach Roundy.

A week later, they were perplexed. "Are you SURE Shadrach Roundy is related to advertising?" My response, "No.This a challenge to your effort and imagination."

A week later, no success and more grumbling. So I offered a clue, unlike Jim. Minneapolis is hundreds of miles from Fremont, not just 50. My clue: his name is on a monument in Fremont, NE.

On the due date, 4 students submitted correct response. Three, working independently, had taken the path I expected. Not finding a phone listing for a Freemont Historical Society, they found that Fremont is in Dodge County. They did find a listing for a Dodge County Historical Society, and each called to inquire. The perplexed person who answered took pity and identified Mr. Roundy.

The 4th student haunted the library, and one of the librarians made this her quest too. For 3 weeks, nothing. But a 2 days before the deadline, she told him she had a clue. Some historical account of an election identified "the Mormon, Shadrach Roundy" as a candidate's supporter . . but nothing further.

The student went to the [local Mormon Family History Libray] and asked to use their library. They agreed, but saw that he was not successful and asked who he was looking for. None were familiar with Shadrach Roundy. But one said there was a member, Paul Roundy, in St. Paul.

Once the student convinced him he was legit, the 3-times great-grandson of Shadrach Roundy provided the needed information. He knew a lot about his ancestor, but not about the monument in Freemont.

That night, I called Jim and told him the story. He volunteered to take some photos of the monument and send them for the student to take to Paul Roundy.

Dial forward 6 years, about 1985. I am back in the advertising business in Dallas. At some point I shared my Shadrach Roundy story with my employees. Dial forward again. One day the company librarian tells me she's getting calls from students and the U of Texas at Dallas, asking about Shadrach Roundy. One of my guys was teaching a course there. Someone had asked about extra credit.

Dial forward again, to 2010 . . eating a sandwich at my desk in Raleigh, and Shadrach came into my mind. In 15-seconds, I had everything about Shadrach Roundy on my computer monitor. Thanks Google. So, no more extra credit opportunities. 

But everyone in my family can tell you about this old Mormon. It is almost like he is a member of our family too. 

Comment by David left at Monuments and Markers - Shadrach Roundy 

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