Friday, March 7, 2008

Martin Luther ENSIGN and Mary DUNN ENSIGN

1890 Mary DUNN and Martin Luther ENSIGN 

1902 50th Anniverary Mary DUNN daughter of Simeon Adams DUNN and Adaline RAWSON. Her husband Martin Luther ENSIGN son of Horace Datus ENSIGN and Mary BRONSON.

Family of Martin Luther and Mary ENSIGN.

back row left Martin Luther ENSIGN Jr. and Martha WRIGHT E.,
Siveren Nelson LEE and Emma Lovinia E. LEE,far right Isaac SMITH and Harriet "Camilla" E. SMITHmiddle row left Georgianna E. and William John HILL,
center - parents
Mary DUNN ENSIGN and Martin Luther ENSIGN,
Mary Adaline E. ROBERTS and John Lloyd ROBERTS
front center Adam Wesley ENSIGN, Effie Celestia ENSIGN.

(not pictured John Henry ENSIGN died Aug 1866 age 2, Horace ENSIGN died Mar 1866 as infant.)

SIBLINGS: back - Harriet Camilla ENSIGN SMITH, Emma Lovinia ENSIGN LEE, Georgianna ENSIGN HILL, Effie Celestia ENSIGN MERRILL, front - Adams Wesley ENSIGN, and Martin Luther ENSIGN Jr.

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