Almos son of Ugyek and Emese: Álmos the first Grand Prince of the Magyars - High Prinxce (c 820-c 895) The first known Hungarian leader, and father of Árpád. He strengthened the alliance between the other six Magyar tribal leaders.
The medieval chronicle recounts the story [of the birth of Almos] as follows: "his pregnant mother [Emese] had seen a divine vision in her dream of a Turul bird, as it were flying over her and getting her with child; and a spring seemed to rise from her womb and many great kings originated from her loins, although they would multiply not in their own lands".The legend is often given as an explanation for the name Álmos, which is derived from the Hungarian word for "dream." (Wikipedia)
The Magyar tribes (Hungarian: magyar törzsek) were the fundamental political units whose framework the Hungarians (Magyars) lived within, until these clans from Asia, more accurately from the region of Ural Mountains, invaded the Carpathian Basin and established the Principality of Hungary. (Wikipedia)

Attila (–453) more frequently referred to as Attila the Hun.
Arpad led the Magyars into Central Europe around 896.[1] According to the dual system of rulership (similar to the Khazars), he was the actual leader with Kurszán as sacral prince.
Although the founder of the Kingdom of Hungary was not Árpád (as he lived a century earlier) …he is generally thought of as the forefather of Hungarians and is often affectionally mentioned as our father Árpád. (Wikipedia)

In 947, Taksony led a raid to Italy as far as Apulia, and King Berengar II of Italy had to buy the peace by paying a large amount of money to him and his followers.
Related also to Berengar II King of Italy.
Michael (Michal) (Mihaly) Arpad Regent of Poland 3rd Grand Prince Of Esztergom. Duke between Morava and Esztergom (– ca 978 or bef. 997), married Adelajda of Poland (– aft. 997), [daughter of King Mieszko II Lambert of Poland and his wife, Richeza of Lotharingia.]
We are related to Mieszko II Lambert King of Poland and Richeza by three of their children. 1- Adelajda/Adelaide/Richeza of Poland spouse of Bela I King of Hungary, 2- Gertrude Princess of Poland spouse of Iziaslav I Grand Prince of Kiev. and 3- Casimir 'the Restorer' spouse of Mariah Dobroniega of Kiev.
Vazul 'Prince of Nitra' 'Basil' 'The Blind' Prince of Norther Hungary (11th century – died 1037) son of Michal.
He was a cousin of Stephen I of Hungary. He took part in a conspiracy aimed at murdering King Stephen. As a result of the failed assassination attempt, he was excluded from the royal succession and blinded as punished for his treason. His sons were exiled. Two of his three sons Andrew I and Bela I would ascend the throne after the dynastic struggle following the death of Stephen I. The line of Árpád kings following Stephen is therefore referred to as the Vazul line. (see Wikipedia)Both Hungarian Kings - sons of Vazul are our grandfathers.

Both Ancesty Chains below follow Bella I

Related through a son and a daughter of Bela I - by son King Geza I and Bela I's daughter Zsofia Princess of Hungary (Sofia/Sophia/Sofica). These two children appear on our pedigree chart hundreds of times as 28th, 29th, 30th, 31st, 32nd, and 33rd grandparents through their relationships to both Kirt DeMar WOOD and Camilla SMITH.

Examples of the ancestry chains: 30th great grandfather Géza I "the Great" Árpád King of Hungary (1040 - 1077) / Almos Arpad (1075 - 1127) / Béla II "the Blind" Árpád King of Hungary (1110 - 1141) / Géza II, King of Hungary, Croatia, Dalmatia, and Rama Árpád (1130 - 1161) / Béla III , King of Hungary Árpád (1148 - 1196) / Andrew II King of Hungary (1176 - 1235) / Yolande (Violant) Princess of Hungary (1213 - 1251) / Isabella of Aragon (1247 - 1271) / Philip IV "The Fair" King France (1268 - 1314) / Isabella She-Wolf of France (1295 - 1358) / Edward III Plantagenet "King of England" (1312 - 1377) / * John Gaunt Plantagenet Beauford of Gaunt, Duke of Aquitaine, "1st Duke of Lancaster" King of Castile (1340 - 1399) / Joan De Beaufort Countess * (1379 - 1440) / Lady Anne Neville (1411 - 1480) / Humphrey Earl of Stafford (1424 - 1455) / Henry Stafford Duke of Buckingham (1455 - 1483) / Edward Stafford 3rd Duke of Buckingham (1478 - 1521) / Catherine Stafford Countess of Westmorland (1499 - 1555) / ***Margaret Neville Lady (1515 - 1559) / George Jr. Gardiner (1535 - 1589) / Sir Thomas Gardiner * (1565 - 1635) / *Rachel Gardner (1608 - 1632) / Thomas Noble Immigrant (1632 - 1704) / Sgt. Luke NOBLE (1675 - 1744) / Samuel Noble (1722 - 1773) / Lydia Noble (1768 - 1851) / Horace Datus Ensign (1797 - 1846) / Martin Luther Ensign (1831 - 1911) / Harriet Camilla Ensign (1859 - 1930) / George Ensign Smith (1898 - 1967) / Camilla SMITH (1926 - 1999) / Lark / JR.
31st great-grandmother Zsofia Princess of Hungary (Sophia) b.1044 / Ulfhide (Wolfhildis) Princess Of Saxony b.1079 / Judith of Bavaria, Duchess of Swabia b.1103 / Holy Roman Emperor Frederick I b.1122 / King of Germany Philip of Swabia b.1176 / Marie of Hohenstaufen b.1208 / Matilda of Brabant b.1224 / Blanche of Artois Queen of Navarre b.1248 / Queen Jeanne of Navarre b.1271 / Isabella She-Wolf of France b.1295 / ****King Edward III of England b.1312 / Edmund of Langley 1st Duke of York b.1342 / Richard of Conisburgh,3rd Earl of Cambridge PLANTAGENET b. c 1375 / Richard PLANTAGENET 3rd Duke of York b.1411 / Edward IV PLANTAGENET King Of England b.1441 / Prince Cecily PLANTAGENET of York b.1469 / Robert de WELLES b.1484 / Thomas de WELLES b.1501 / Robert WELLES b.1540 / Jane Sarah WELLS b.1572 / Sylvester BALDWIN b.1590 / Mary BALDWIN b.1625 / Deborah PLUMB b.1655 / John ROUNDY b.1681 / Robert ROUNDY b.1704 / John ROUNDY b.1726 / Uriah ROUNDY b.1756 / Shadrach ROUNDY b.1789 / Almeda Sophia ROUNDY b.1829 / Charles PARKER b.1853 / Laura Elizabeth PARKER b.1889 / Kirt DeMar WOOD b.1923 / Lark / TR
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