
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

John MOODY 10th Gr. Grandfather - Great Migration Begins


ORIGIN: Moulton, Suffolk
REMOVES: Hartford by 1639
CHURCH MEMBERSHIP: Admitted to Roxbury church as member #69:
He came to the land in the year 1633. He had no children. He had two men servants, that were ungodly, especially one of them; who in his passion would wish himself in hell; & use desperate words, yet had a good measure of knowledge. These 2 servants would go to the oyster bank in a boat, & did, against the counsel of their governor, where they lay all night; & in the morning early when the tide was out they gathering oysters, did unskillfully leave their boat afloat, in the verges of the channel, & quickly the tide carried it away so far into the channel that they could not come near it, which made them cry out & hallow, but being very early & remote were not heard, till the water had risen very high upon them to the armholes as it's thought, & then a man from Rockbrough meeting house hill heard them cry & call, & he cried & ran with all speed, & seeing their boat swam to it, & hastened to them, but they were both so drowned before any help could possibly come, a dreadful example of God's displeasure against obstinate servants [RChR 78].
(Winthrop tells this same story, with minor differences in detail, but with the same moralistic judgment, and dates the event as 6 August 1633 [WJ 1:126]; one of these servants was THOMAS DESBRE, administration of whose estate was granted to John Moody on 3 September 1633 [MBCR 1:108].)
FREEMAN: 5 November 1633 (as "Mr. John Moody") [MBCR 1:368].
EDUCATION: The inventory included a parcel of books valued at £2 10s.
OFFICES: Deputy to General Court for Roxbury, 2 September 1635 [MBCR 1:156].
Lieutenant, Hartford train band, April 1640 [CT Civil List 37].
ESTATE: In the Hartford land inventory of February 1639[/40] "John Moodie" held six parcels which were granted to him; he also had two parcels by purchase, which were later exchanged for other parcels: four acres with dwelling house, outhouses, yards and gardens; twenty-six acres of upland; six acres in the South Meadow; four acres in the South Meadow "which was sequestered for Abram Pratt & is now settled on John Moody by the inhabitants of the town"; two roods in the Neck of Land "which was sequestered for Abram Pratt & now settled on John Moody by the inhabitants of the town"; four acres in Hockanum; fourteen acres in a great swamp, purchased of Nathaniel Cole; another parcel "in the same tier of lots," purchased of Nathaniel Cole; these last two parcels exchanged with John Grave for thirteen acres in the great swamp [HaBOP 210-12].
The will of John Moody was dated 23 July 1655 and proved in December 1655: "The last will & testament of John Moody late of Hartford: I do make my loving wife Sarah Moody sole executrix, and I do will that half of all that I have, both land and stuff (excepting the household stuff, which I leave wholly to my wife), I give to my son Samuel Moody for to have it at the age of twenty-four years. I will also that Elizabeth Pepper shall have five & twenty pound paid her within a year, and a petticoat and a waistcoat & a pair of shoes; and this and all my debts for to be paid out of the whole" [Hartford PD Case #3758; Manwaring 1:138; RPCC 156].
The inventory of the estate of John Moody, taken 6 December 1655, totalled £300 14s. 6d., of which £110 was real estate: "11 acres of meadow," £40; "two parcels of upland," £10; and "the homelot with all the housing thereupon," £60 [Hartford PD Case #3758; Manwaring 1:138]
BIRTH: Baptized Moulton, Suffolk, 8 April 1593, son of George and Margaret (Chenery) Moody of Moulton [NEHGR 80:326-27; TAG 64:1-11].
DEATH: Hartford between 25 July 1655 (date of will) and 6 December 1655 (date of inventory).
MARRIAGE: Bury St. Edmunds St. James, Suffolk, 8 September 1617 Sarah Cox. She was baptized at Bury St. Edmunds St. James on 17 May 1598 [NEHGR 80:326]. "Sarah Moody, the wife of John Moody," was admitted to Roxbury church as member #70, immediately after her husband [RChR 78]. She died at Hadley 4 November 1671 [HadVR 80].
CHILDREN (dates for i-vi from NEHGR 80:327):

i (poss.) JOHN, bp. Bury St. Edmunds St. James, 3 December 1617; no further record.

ii JOHN, bp. Bury St. Edmunds St. James 1 January 1618/9; bur. there 5 January 1618/9.

iii JOHN, bp. Bury St. Edmunds St. James 3 March 1621/2; bur. there 5 March 1621/2.

iv HANNAH, bp. Bury St. Edmunds St. James 11 November 1624; bur. there the same day.

v SAMUEL, bp. Bury St. Edmunds St. James 16 July 1631; bur. there 19 July 1631.

vi JOHN, bp. Moulton, Suffolk, October 1632; no further record.

vii SAMUEL, b. say 1634; m. say 1659 Sarah [DEMING] (based on estimated ages of children).

ASSOCIATIONS: Frances Moody, sister of John Moody, married Thomas Kilbourn, and this couple came to New England in 1635, settling in Wethersfield [Hale, House 652-56]. A third sibling, Elizabeth Moody, married John Pratt of Wood Ditton, Cambridgeshire, but this was not the JOHN PRATT of Cambridge and Hartford in New England [TAG 64:11].
COMMENTS: John Moody was involved in civil actions before the Connecticut Particular Court on 1 August 1639, 5 September 1639, 29 October 1646 and 3 March 1652/3 [RPCC 4, 5, 44, 45, 115; CCCR 1:29, 33]. On 27 January 1642/3 he swore to the will of Richard Lyman [CCCR 1:81].
Savage read Elizabeth Pepper of the will as Elizabeth "Seger." She must have been Elizabeth (Johnson) Pepper, wife of Robert.
BIBLIOGRAPHIC NOTE: In 1926 Miss Lilian J. Redstone of London, England, communicated a thorough study of the English Moody ancestry of John Moody to the Register [NEHGR 80:313-27]. Frederick J. Nicholson identified the mother of John Moody and in 1989 and 1991 published information on her ancestry [TAG 64:1-11, 66:197-204].
The Great Migration Begins

Ancestry Chain: John MOODY 1633 Immigrant, Samuel MOODY b.1631, John MOODY b.1661, Sarah MOODY b.1702, Datus (Datis) ENSIGN b.1729, Isaac ENSIGN Rev.WarVet. b.1756, Horace Datus ENSIGN b.1797, Martin Luther ENSIGN b.1831, Harriett Camilla ENSIGN b.1859, George Ensign SMITH b.1898, Camilla SMITH b.1926, Lark, JR.

(I will have to research to birthdays of the brothers Samuel MOODY.)

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