
Saturday, May 11, 2019

Isaac Smith Obituary - The Logan Republican Tuesday March 31, 1914

Isaac Smith. Early Settler of Logan, a Victim of ' Ureamic Poisoning
A Devoted and Enthusiastic Worker of His Church Has Been Called to Reward

Funeral Services Will Be Held in the Tabernacle Wednesday. Isaac Smith, one of the beat known citizens In northern Utah and southern Idaho, died at his residence In this city yesterday morning at G:20 &. m. following an Illness of a few weeks, of rheumatism and ureamic poisoning. While Mr. Smith has been falling In health for several months, It has never been known even by his family associates that his condition was so critical. Funeral services, have been arranged for Wednesday at 2 p. m. In the Logan tabernacle.
Isaac Smith was born In Brigham City, December 31, 1857. Ho was ' the son of Samuel Smith and Sarah Jane Ingraham, natives of England. The early part of his life was spent in the of his birth where he grow to be an Industrious, hard working citizen. He held many positions of responsibility In his youthful days. In the year 1877 ho married Harriet -Camilla Ensign, daughter of M. I.. Ensign and Mary Dunn. At the April conference ho was called on mission to Great Britain, and departed m Lie .fifth of May, the same year. After a most successful mission ho returned home In April, 1880.
In the spring of 1881 he removed to this city to clerk In the wholesale department of the Z. C. M. I. June B, 1884 when the Logan First ward was divided Into throe wards, Isaac Smith was appointed bishop of the Seventh ward, with Nils P. Llndelof and Ephraim Mlkelsen as his coun- selors. During his labors with the Z. C. M. I. Mr. Smith was Invoice clerk, had charge of the grocery, hardware and crockery departments and later the clothing department. He was on the road as general sales man for about five years, after which he ran a brunch store for the Institution on Main street. August 3, 1890 he was sustained as second counselor to Orson Smith, president of the Cache stake, and was set apart by Apostle Franklin D. Richards. In February, 1891 ho was given tho management of tho Logan branch of the Z. C. M. I. which position he held, until the institution closed out Its business In 1897. Isaac Smith served as counselor to President Joseph Morrell and to Apostle Merrill both of whom were presidents of the Cache stake. Ho succeeded President Joseph Morrell as president of the Cache Stake and served in this position from 1906 to 1911. At tho present time he was engaged In a produce, cold storage and fee business. , Isaac Smith Is survived by two families,
one lives In Logan and the other in Rlverdale, Idaho. Besides his wife, Mrs. Camilla Smith, there are the following children", Dr. Isaac S. Smith, W. It. Smith, Wesley E. Smith, Sarah Ann Lewis, Theron E. Smith, Leona E. Smith, George E. Smith .Malcolm W. Smith, and Ruby E. Smith.
The family which survive Mr. Smith at Rlverdale are Mrs. Elizabeth Fuhrlman Smith, his wife and the following children; Jacob I. Smith, Joseph F. Smith, Welland Smith, Ingraham Smith, Elva Smith and Oliver Smith.

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