
Wednesday, November 9, 2016

FIFTY YEARS AGO TODAY Sunday, April 25 1907

 The Salt Lake Tribune.  
Salt lake City, Utah Sunday Morning April 25 1907. 
SUNDAY, APRIL 25 1847.
Shadrach Roundy [pictured] 
(Thought to have been the eldest member of the Pioneer Band.  From a tin type loaned by his granddaughter , Mrs. Oliver Gallup.)

          A quiet Sunday was passed in the pioneer camp.  Services were held in the afternoon, and an address was delivered by  President Brigham Young, standing near the wagons.  in the course of his remarks he gave some further counsel upon the mode of traveling and the care to be taken in being prepared for danger each night.
          At night Thomas Woolsey, Thomas Brown, John Brown, Porter Rockwell, John S. Higbee and Joseph Matthews were named as the official buffalo hunters on the trip, as they had horses not attached to any teams.  the following were also maned as foot hunters: John Pack, Phineas H. Young, Tariton Lewis, Joseph Hancock, Edmund Ellsworth, Roswell Stevens, Edson Shipple, Barnabas Adams, Ben Streart and Jackson [can't read the reat of this line]...
          The hunters were named because the game was becoming plentiful, and it was the desire of the leaders to have killed only what was needed in the camp, and it was also their idea to prevent promiiscouous hunting by the whole party.  On sunday afternoon several antelope passed near the camp.

          Shadrach Roundy, whose portrait appears with this issue, was probably the eldest of the 143 Original pioneers of Utah.  He was born in Windham county, Vermont, on New Year's day, 1789, and died in Salt Lake July 4, 1872.  Although 58 years of age when the band made its march across the plains, yet he was always to the front in all the undertakings and adventures of the pioneers.  In the military organization of the band he was major on the staff of Lieut.-Gen. Brigham Young.  Mr. Roundy was also a captain of one of the companies of fifty. 

          Nathaniel Thomas Brown was shot at Council Bluffs, Ia., in February, 1848, just as he was preparing to travel across the plains again to Utah.  He is among those of the original pioneers of Utah whose picture cannot be obtained.
          Jacob D. Burnham, another member of the band, died in California in 1850: /Carlos Murray was killed by the Indians on the Humboldt river in  1853, and George Mills did in salt Lake in 1854.  They were all prominently identified with all the doings of the pioneer train in its march to Utah. 

Not mentioned in the article is our cousin Horace Datus ENSIGN [Jr.] who was 20 years old  in 1847.   Born 8 August 1826 Westfield, Massachusetts - Died 1 September 186+6 Ogden, Utah.   

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