
Saturday, October 30, 2010

From "Autobiography of [Grandma Wanda]"

left: 1913 Edna Lula SEATON (1894-1961) and Reuben Russell ROBERSON (1893-1959)

[page1] The Autobiography of [Grandma Wanda]

First Edition

I was born ... to Reuben Russell Roberson and Edna Lula Seaton. I was the fourth child in a family of nine children. Dad grew watermelons this year and he tells me that he fed me watermelon juice at age of three days. We lived in a four room house at Pleasant Hill, a farm community about five miles from English, Indiana. Dad had planted an apple orchard which never did bear fruit. We never did know why but it must have been a great disappointment for him. He had cleared the land of persimmon and sassafras trees but now the wild blackberry bushes had taken over.

My family was probably classed as poor folks. We never had much money but I can’t remember ever going hungry. Dad worked for the State Highway Department as a good democrat and then we had our garden, milk, fruit and wild berries and nuts. Hickory nuts, hazel nuts and black walnuts all were plentiful.

left: Fielding ROBERSON (1834-1924) father of Reuben Russell ROBERSON (1893-1959)

Grandfather Fielding Roberson lived with us and I can remember standing on the rockers of his chair as he rocked, I must have had a deep love for him which was returned. He went to visit his son, Alva, and while there fell and broke his hip which led to complications. He died soon from acute nephritis when I was only three years old. One of my Uncles came by in a wagon and took me to see Grandpa before he died. I can still remember the wet kiss he gave me. I think these are my earliest recollections.

left: Rhoda Helen BAYSINGER SEATON (1856-1924) mother of Edna Lula SEATON (1894-1961)

Grandma [Rhoda Helen Baysinger] Seaton also lived with us before she died. My only remembrance of her is when I fell on the stove and burned my hand. She wrapped it for me.

Uncle Irvin Roberson and aunt Lottie lived in Grandpaw’s old house which stood where Hubert Roberson now lives [1973]. Their children Hazel and Ray were our closest friends. Hazel and I were always running away to the woods to play in the little streams. Mom has often come after us and switched us all the way home. On one of these outings I left my new black paten shoes and when they were found, after a big rain, they were ruined. Hazel and I were sawing with dad’s cross cut saw while Norman (my brother) held the stick. The saw slipped and all but severed his forefinger. Hazel ran home and I got tanned good. Seems she was always getting me into trouble, still I loved her dearly. Norman and howard were born here. I can remember howard’s birth. While he was still a baby we packed up in a small truck--had a sale-- and started our journeying.

The above was written Jan 16, 1973.

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